North Dakota Reserve Name Application
North Dakota Reserve Name Notice of Transfer Application
North Dakota laws allow the reservation of names of several organizational types for a period of twelve months. A reserved name must be in the English language or in any other language expressed in English letters or characters. The name may not be the same as, or deceptively similar to a name which is already in some manner reserved or registered with the Secretary of State.
Provide the name to be reserved including all of the required words, abbreviations, and punctuation.
Business Corporation – North Dakota: (N.D.C.C., Section 10-19.1-13) Name must contain the word “company”, “corporation”, “incorporated”, or “limited”, or must contain an abbreviation of one or more of these words.
Business Corporation – Foreign: (N.D.C.C., Section 10-19.1-133) Name must meet the same requirements as the name of a North Dakota business corporation.
Farm Corporation – North Dakota: (N.D.C.C., Section 10-19.1-13) Name must meet the same requirements as the name of a North Dakota business corporation.
Nonprofit Corporation – North Dakota: (N.D.C.C., Section 10-33-10) Name need not contain the word “company”, “corporation”, “incorporated”, “limited”, or an abbreviation of one of these words.
Nonprofit Corporation – Foreign: (N.D.C.C., Section 10-33-126) Name may be any name that would be available to a North Dakota nonprofit corporation.
Professional Corporation – North Dakota: (N.D.C.C., Section 10-31-05) Name must contain the word “chartered”, “limited”, or the words “professional corporation” or “professional association”, or the abbreviation “Ltd”, “P.C.”, “PC”, “P.A.” or “PA”. The use of any other word or abbreviation indicating that it is a corporation is prohibited.
Professional Corporation – Foreign: (N.D.C.C., Section 10-31-13.1) Name shall contain words or abbreviations required or authorized by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the foreign professional corporation is incorporated.
General Business – North Dakota: (N.D.C.C., Section 10-32-10) Name must contain the words “limited liability company” or must contain the abbreviation “L.L.C.” or “LLC”. The name may not contain the word “corporation” or “incorporated”.
General Business – Foreign: (N.D.C.C., Section 10-32-136) Name must meet the same requirements as the name of a North Dakota business limited liability company.
Farm – North Dakota: (N.D.C.C., Section 10-32-10) Name must meet the same requirements as the name of a North Dakota business limited liability company.
Professional – North Dakota: (N.D.C.C., Section 10-31-05) Name must contain the words “professional limited liability company” or “limited liability company”; or the abbreviations “P.L.C.”, “PLC”, “P.L.L.C.”, “PLLC”, “L.L.C.” or “LLC”. The use of any other word or abbreviation indicating that it is a limited liability company is prohibited.
Professional – Foreign: (N.D.C.C., Section 10-31-13.1) Name shall contain words or abbreviations required or authorized by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the foreign professional limited liability company is organized.
North Dakota Cooperative Association: (N.D.C.C., Section 10-15-08.1) Name may contain the word “corporation” or “incorporated” or an abbreviation of one of those words.
Foreign Cooperative Association: (N.D.C.C., Section 10-15-51) Name may be any name that would be available to a North Dakota cooperative association.
General Business – North Dakota: (N.D.C.C., Section 45-22-04) Name must contain the words “limited liability partnership” or either the abbreviation “L.L.P.” or “LLP”.
General Business – Foreign: (N.D.C.C., Section 45-22-04) Name must meet the same requirements as a North Dakota limited liability partnership.
Professional – North Dakota: (N.D.C.C., Section 10-31-05) Name must include the words “professional limited liability partnership”; or the abbreviations “P.L.L.P.”, “PLLP”, “L.L.P.”, or “LLP”. The use of any other word or abbreviation indicating that it is a limited liability partnership is prohibited.
Professional – Foreign: (N.D.C.C., Section 10-31-13.1) Name shall contain words or abbreviations required or authorized by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the foreign professional limited liability partnership is organized.
North Dakota: (N.D.C.C., Section 45-10.2-10) Name must contain without abbreviation the words “limited partnership” or the abbreviation “L.P.” or “LP”. The name may not contain the name of a limited partner unless: (1) It is also the name of a general partner; or (2) The business of the limited partnership had been carried on under that name before the admission of that limited partner. The name may not contain the word “corporation”, “company”, “incorporated”, “limited liability company”, “limited liability partnership”, or an abbreviation of
those words.
Foreign: (N.D.C.C., Section 45-10.1-54) Name must meet the same requirements as a North Dakota limited partnership.
North Dakota: (N.D.C.C., Section 45-23-03) Name must contain without abbreviation the words “limited liability limited partnership” or the abbreviation “L.L.L.P.” or “LLLP”.
Foreign: (N.D.C.C., Section 45-23-03) The name of a foreign limited liability limited partnership may contain the words or abbreviations defined for North Dakota limited liability limited partnerships or any other words or abbreviations as may be authorized or required under the laws of the jurisdiction of origin.